Frequently Asked Question

Keyboard Shortcuts Series 2 (Advanced)
Last Updated 3 years ago


Keyboard ShortcutAction
Ctrl + DBookmark current page
F1Open a mostly useless help page
F3Perform a text search on the current page, find next text result
Shift + F3Find previous text search results
Ctrl + FPerform a text search on the current page
Ctrl + GFind next text result
Ctrl + Shift + GFind previous text result
Ctrl + HOpen browsing history
Ctrl + JOpen the downloads folder and/or history
Ctrl + OOpen a local file in the browser
Ctrl + SDownload and save the current page
Ctrl + PPrint current page
Ctrl + ESelect the search box or omnibar. (Ctrl + K also works)
Ctrl + Shift + DelOpens up the clear browser history dialog or settings
Alt + EnterOpen search in a new tab
Ctrl + EnterOpen search term as a website
F12Open developer tools or Firebug
Ctrl + UView source
Alt + FMakes the menu bar appear (if hidden)

For additional support if you're still experiencing difficulties, contact the help desk.

Extension: 7123
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